
News December

  • dHENRY
  • 01/12/2019
  • (Reading time : 2 mn)

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The Migration of the WordPress website to Hugo is complete. This choice was made in view of the difficulties in maintaining the multilingual Wordpress site, the number of plugins required for its security, the high number of alerts concerning intrusion attempts, and the frequent updates of Wordpress.

Another new feature is that this website is now hosted on 1 Raspberry PI et 1 Rock64 (Load balancing). now sees more than 3000 visitors per month, I will provide telemetry after 3 months of production.

To avoid being tracked by third parties, when visiting this site, all display fonts, javascript files are hosted on the server “”. The “AWSTATS” audience measurement system does not involve any third party (no Google analytics, xiti,…), the analysis is performed from the reading of the web server trace files.
My interest in this audience measurement is only to know your country of origin and the frequency of pages viewed.

To date, the most visited pages concern the installation of Grafana/Prometheus, the installation of Matrix instant messaging, the post concerning Trudesk, the post concerning a data leak analysis, the installation of the OSSEC intrusion detector.

With an ssh port voluntarily opened on the front end, the “alert” table of the Mysql database that stores OSSEC alerts (intrusion detection) contains 2.9 million records. The Mysql database server is located on a Rock64 that has not had any failures. The data is stored on an SD card.


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