Kubernetes - Expose services with a HAPROXY server

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To expose the cluster services, I use a “Haproxy” server, external to the cluster, which is part of the “reverse-proxy” family. I won’t go into detail, you will find all the necessary documentation for its implementation on the internet. Once installed, the “reverse-proxy” will be the entry point that will allow access to the applications.

expose services

To get the service port in kubernetes, connect to the master :

kubeclt get service -n [namespace] [nom du service]
# ex : kubectl get service -n nextcloud nextcloud
NAME                TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
nextcloud           NodePort   <none>        80:31812/TCP   63d

Here and in this case, the service is exposed on port 31812 of each “worker” server running the application (see the diagram above). A Pod is executed on a worker and this choice is not predictable, unless you have forced it (notion of NodeSelector), so your Haproxy rule will have to specify all the available workers in the cluster, haproxy will do the rest…

Example of haproxy configuration

I have a “nextcloud” service, a single replica and two workers ( and One of the two servers runs the pod, I don’t know which one :

    acl nextcloud.mondomaine.comssl  hdr(host) -i nextcloud.mondomaine.com  
    use_backend nextcloud.mondomaine.comssl if nextcloud.mondomaine.comssl  
    backend nextcloud.mondomaine.comssl  
        mode http  
        balance leastconn
        server worker1[Port exposé par le cluster] check maxconn 500  
        server worker2[Port exposé par le cluster] check maxconn 500

Haproxy will test the backend connection and send the external stream to the responding server.

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