
Rsyslog in ElasticSearch - Fluent-bit - RaspberryPI4 - Arm64

  • dHENRY
  • 08/09/2022
  • (Reading time : 4 mn)

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Update 11/24/2022: Be careful before upgrading from Fluent-bit v1.9 to Fluent-bit v2.0 (view this post)

This operation will consist in setting up the servers of the Datacenter, so that they send their “rsyslog” traces to an ElasticSearch service.

Source documentation :


  • A working ElasticSearch/Kibana solution
  • The domain name and network port to access the elasticSearch service, e.g.
  • A user account and password to allow “Fluent-bit” to inject its data into the ElasticSearch application.

ElasticSearch configuration

  • From the Kibana interface, connect with the administration account (“elastic”).
  • Create the role: “servers_rsyslog”, indicate the index “fluent-bit” and give it the privileges “write” and “create_index”. elasticsearch - role servers_rsyslog
  • Create the “servers_rsyslog” account to be used by the Datacenter servers, and assign it the “servers_rsyslog” role PS : keep the new login and password (necessary to configure “Fluent-bit” on the servers). elasticsearch - compte servers_rsyslog

Datacenter Servers - Installation of “Fluent-bit

This operation is to be performed on all servers of the Datacenter:

Warning: does not work on armhf architectures - Source

  • Connect to the server as root

  • Create the file “/etc/apt/sources.list.d/fluenbit.list

deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/fluentbit-keyring.gpg] bullseye main
  • Download the GPG key:
curl | gpg --dearmor > /usr/share/keyrings/fluentbit-keyring.gpg
  • Installer :
apt update
apt -y install fluent-bit
# Start at boot
systemctl enable fluent-bit

Datacenter Servers - Configure “Fluent-bit

These operations are to be performed on all servers of the Datacenter:

Global configuration

The configuration of “Fluent-bit” can be found in the file : "/etc/fluent-bit/fluent-bit.conf “, open this file then :

  • Delete these lines :
    name cpu
    tag  cpu.local

    # Read interval (sec) Default: 1
    interval_sec 1

    name  stdout
    match *
  • and Add :
    Name     syslog
    Parser   syslog-rfc5424
    Port     5140
    Mode     tcp

# see documentation
  Name  es
  # if ElasticSearch Service listens on tls port
  tls   On
  Match *
  HTTP_User [utilisateur elastic]
  HTTP_Passwd [Mot de passe utilisateur elastic]
  Host  [domaine du service elasticsearch]
  Port  443
  Suppress_Type_Name On
  retry_limit false

Retry_limit allows the “Fluent-bit” service to retain the “rsyslog” trace as long as the recording in ElasticSearch has not worked. Retention is managed in memory (RAM) by default, there is a parameter allowing retention on files…

Configure the “Fluent-bit” parser

  • Open the file "/etc/fluent-bit/parsers.conf “

  • Look for the section :

	Name syslog-rfc3164-local"
  • Replace the expressions RegExp and Time_Format with :
    Regex       ^(?<time>[^ ]*+) (?<host>[^ ]*) (?<ident>[a-zA-Z0-9_\/\.\-]*)(?:\[(?<pid>[0-9]+)\])?(?:[^\:]*\:)? *(?<message>.*)$
    Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z

This will allow to parse the “rsyslog” messages with a timestamp with the Timezone.

PS : Tools to debug the regexp : a Ruby regular expression editor : Rubular

Configure the “rsyslog” timezone for “Fluent-bit

By default the system traces do not show the timezone, the current format of a trace is :

Sep  1 10:45:46 rxxxx-159 systemd[1]: Started Time & Date Service.

Here, the timestamp logged (Sep 1 10:45:46) and provided by “rsyslog” does not include a timezone. ElasticSearch assigns timestamps in UTC and takes into account its “Timezone” parameter for presentation. Once this type of data is injected, you will be confronted with a 2h00 offset problem.

This image illustrates the problem: Configuration timezone KO We have a system trace logged on “Sept 1st at 08:05:49” and ElasticSearch gives a timestamp at UTC+0200 (Europe/Paris)…

The expected result is this: Configuration timezone OK

Configuring the “rsyslog” service

  • Create the file "/etc/rsyslog.d/60-fluent-bit.conf” :
action(type="omfwd" template="RSYSLOG_FileFormat" Target="" Port="5140" Protocol="tcp")

All events intercepted by “rsyslog” will be transferred to the 5140/TCP network service of “Fluent-bit” and not only the content of “/var/log/syslog “. The service “rsyslog” should not be confused with the file /var/log/syslog. The file “/var/log/syslog” is completed by the service “rsyslog”, depending on the rules defined by the administrator. Therefore, do not expect to find in elasticsearch only the items contained in “/var/log/syslog”. You will have all events received by the service through “rsyslog”.

Restarting services

  • Restart the service “Fluent-bit” : systemctl restart fluent-bit
  • Restart the service “rsyslog” : systemctl restart rsyslog

“Dispatch” of a system message by “rsyslog

Errors rsyslogd

Once started, “rsyslog” connects to the fluent-bit service. If “fluent-bit” is not started you will find the following error in the “/var/log/syslog” file:

rsyslogd: cannot connect to Connection refused

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